As I grow older, I come to realise more and more that the
most important personal resource that we have is the human brain. Our physical abilities gradually fade away so
that, eventually, all we have left that makes life worth living, is our consciousness. When that goes, we might as well go as well. Consequently, our brains should be cherished
and protected throughout our lives.
I feel so sad when I see someone who has developed
dementia, and see the effect on their loved ones, and I pray that it will not
happen to me or my close family.
Dementia as a symptom of alzheimer's disease, or for
other reasons, certainly seems to be increasing rapidly and it may therefore be
concluded that it is at least in part due to the substances to which we are
exposed due to our modern lifestyle.
Because of this, I feel it is of prime importance to
monitor these substances that have either been proved to be at the root of this
problem - or even just might be the cause.
Of these substances thought to affect us in this way, the
most prolific seems to be aluminium. (Yes,
I know there are lots of other substances that adversely affect our brains but
at the present I want to focus on aluminium.)
It is so useful that it is used everywhere we look, but until about a
hundred years ago, very little in metallic form was around. We make so many things out of the metallic
form, mainly alloyed with other metals, that we come into direct contact with
it all the time these days.
Of course, non-metallic aluminium is extremely plentiful naturally
in the form of salts, oxide and other compounds - about the third most
plentiful stuff there is on Earth after oxygen and silicon - making up about 8%
of the earth's "stuff".
We are also told that the toxicity of aluminium extends
to it being a carcinogen as well as affecting our brains, but I guess that is a
separate issue.
We MUST ingest fairly large quantities due to cooking in
aluminium pans and wrapping our food in foil.
I've seen lots of information regarding the inadvisability of using
aluminium associated with cooking but nothing about the use of foil to wrap
cold food. The use of aluminium containers on prepped food seems to have died
out, probably due to the use of microwave ovens and the fact that plastic
wrapping and tubs have become so ubiquitous.
Of course, the use of these alternatives
will diminish because of environmental reasons, and something else will come
into vogue.
OK, so we should avoid aluminium cooking utensils; got
that! So what should we use instead?
The choices seem to be; non-stick coating on aluminium (or
whatever), ceramic coating or steel.
Most non-stick coatings are teflon -or PTFE - although
other stuff is emerging. If this wears
off, it means that we have probably ingested it (and we are told that this is
not good at all) and are then back to cooking in a worn pan with exposed
I don't know about ceramic coatings but I assume that
these are OK if they stay intact.
Steel (or iron) seems to be the healthiest alternative. The problem is that spun steel pans are cheap
but, as steel is not as good at conducting heat as aluminium, you get hot spots
that burn your food (and the pans), and cast iron pans cost an absolute bomb
and are very heavy.
There is an anecdote regarding a doctor from the Philippines
who, having qualified, returned to his rural area of origin to practice. He found that a very large percentage of the
local population were anaemic. He had a
brainwave and had a large number of small fish cast in iron and issued these to
his patients. The fish was a good luck
symbol and they were told to drop their fishes into the cooking pot where some
iron was absorbed into the food thereby reducing the local instances of anaemia.
My vote would therefore be for steel or iron cooking
pots, although it might be necessary with cheaper pans to take other measures
to reduce hot spots. Let's face it
though, most Chinese restaurants cook with thin steel woks and use the uneven
distribution of heat to keep the cooked food warm on cooler areas while
carrying on cooking the other stuff on the hot spots.
Anyway, that's enough about cooking; what about purposely
introducing aluminium into our bodies?
I see two obvious instances of this; vaccinations and
deodorants! (If you think of anything else please let me know at once so I can
stop using it.)
You can read all about vaccinations using the links
below, but I was prompted to research this when that nice Donald Trump said
there was no way he was going to have a flu shot. (I guess he has the best and most expensive
advice available).I have always avoided flu shots because I'm not certain what
is in them and am suspicious about why "they" want us to have them so
badly. It seems I was right because
there is an awful lot of very undesirable stuff in a flu shot including -
It turns out that the statistics have all been massaged
to exaggerate the incidence of "true" flu by grouping it with other
illnesses with similar symptoms and with pneumonia. The overall picture reeks
of a money making scheme together with Scrooge's famous line in A Christmas Carol; "Decrease
the surplus population!! How better to
target the undesirable elderly community who no longer contribute to the economy. It should be noted that the flu shots for the
elderly are "high strength" and would serve this purpose even better!.
OK, I'm not asking anyone to go along with this view on a
surreptitious "Pathway Plan", but if you read the articles at the end
of the links I provided you will see all the stuff they are pumping into us -
well everyone but me that is - and you if you are wise.
Aluminium is usually included in flu vaccinations in
order to provoke a body response and make the stuff work. However, the up and up studies show that it
actually doesn't work anyway. Other
shots also tend to include aluminium for the same reason.
Like Donald, I won't let them pump these into me without
a struggle.
Now, what about those deodorants? Well, they seem to contain aluminium, which
is particularly alarming because we spray it all over the lymph glands under
our arms. As a large, hairy, get stuck
in, man, I tended to use a large amount of these preparations which was very
worrying. Obviously, I needed to try
something else.
I read that bi-carb was an effective deodorant so I
thought I'd give that a try.
The problem was how to make it adopt its allocated place
beneath the arms. I solved this by
mixing it with germoline. I tried this for a week with great success. But
then I had a brainwave! How do I know
it's not the germoline rather than the bi-carb doing the business? Further tests without bi-carb proved this to
be the case. So I now use germoline as a
deodorant, which is proving very much more effective and longer lasting than
the deodorant sprays I previously used - and the bi-carb was discontinued. This must be due to the anti-bacterial
properties of germoline which contains a low dose of phenol - or carbolic
acid. I guess that any suitable antiseptic
cream would work. Of course, there is little perfume associated with this, but
that suits me.
Go on, try it.
Nobody will know!
That's it then; shun vaccinations, aluminium cooking pans
and foil, and stop using deodorant in order to increase your chances of
avoiding dementia. As aluminium is also
thought to be a carcinogen, all this is a no-brainer.
Make sure you visit these links and pay particular
attention to the ingredients included in flu vaccine.
Kevin Smith
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